Over Thanksgiving Mele and I went to my Aunt's new home down in Cabo Pulmo (Sea of Cortez) for a week. Gary and Melissa flew down from New Mexico to meet us there. I've spent a lot of time in Baja and every time I visit it takes less than a day to unwind. I think we should consider trading Texas for Baja. I went out on my first dive this trip, pretty amazing coral reef in Pulmo, the largest on the East side of the Pacific. After getting out of the water we cruised up along a few humpbacks. Incredible days. Right alongside this beautiful underwater world is the desert of Baja Sur. This has been a really wet year (more than 8" of rain). I made a few attempts to find a trail I'd been on a number of years ago before we finally found our way. (Mele and Melissa on photo safari) Below: Nice use of rocks to warn drivers that the road is gone. Some spectacular light shows while we were there. Thunder, lightning, rainbows and sunrises over the Sea of Cortez. Last shot was a sunset South of Todos Santos on the Pacific side. Can't wait to go back. A couple more pictures here.
Thanks to Deb & Pat for setting us up with home, car, and a turnkey vacation - Cheers!