Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July - Waddell Creek

Waddell turned it up to 11 for us on the 4th. We launched around 11:30 and climbed quickly from the 100' launch to nearly 1600'. John is moving up the runway to the launch below (The small strip of white just below where the trail wraps around the front of the bluff). Brought out my new camera this time!

Over the Big Creek Lumber yard and Highway 1. John is on launch below (right of the loop).

Barely visible against the far hill John is working his way up the lift in middle of the valley. Most likely about to get "served" as he approaches Waddell's infamous twanger territory.

Looking East over the ridge behind Big Creek.
Below John is working his way out of the Waddell Valley.

Parked out over the water in abundant lift soaking in the view (North). Looking out over Ano Nuevo to pidgeon point lighthouse on the next peninsula.

Looking South, Monterey in the distance and Greyhound rock below.

After a couple of hours we landed and came back to get great flights Saturday and Sunday (though both days topped out around 800'). I have flown the low bluff many times previously and had some good flights over Big Creek Lumber, but this was the first flight of its kind for me. Lift was abundant and everywhere. I have already forgotten all the days I've shown up and it was blown out and Northy. Waddell is like nowhere else..


Anonymous said...

Awesome pics! Awesome weekend! Sick! Rad! Boss!

I can't wait to get served again!

Anonymous said...

dude! hang gliding looks so easy. why don't you take up something more exciting, like, say, making homemade cheese? something useful.